Masks for the masses.


The isolation is getting to me. We humans are tough as nails but at the same time fragile, delicate, vulnerable. One day at a time until we get a vaccine.

The scientists will figure it out. They always do. In the meantime, I wish the populace, especially in the United States, would wake up and use their brains. I’m not sure which is worse – the ignorance or the closed mind but when you put the two together – Katy, bar the door!!! It’s terrifying.

Since when is it not okay to sacrifice for the greater good?!? We requested that our citizens wear masks in public. Instead they went out and bought more guns. We mandated masks in public but they still wouldn’t put on a mask. Instead they ranted and raved about how the government can’t take away their god-given right to do what they wish with their own bodies. WTF? Let that sink in for a moment, women.

The government tells us what to do every day. We pay taxes. We obey the rules of the road. It’s how we survive in a civilized society.

Locally, we recently received 2,000,000 masks, donated for mass consumption. We want everyone to have access. And on a bright note we are seeing more masks than bare faces in public venues. Unfortunately, a great deal of damage was already done. That’s probably why our cases of COVID 19 are still spiking in many states. North Carolina is one of them despite the determined hard work of the governor and his dedicated staff.

And so we wait and we isolate. We’ll get through together. One day at a time.


Let’s stop the insanity. Vote blue!

(Old) white men are scrambling to keep control of something/anything.  Their minds are closed to the notion that women, young people, members of other cultures, anyone different from themselves can manage banks or run the government or operate machinery or, heaven forbid, be President of the United States.

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say, “I’ve had it!!!” THIS PATRIARCHY MUST GO. WHITE PRIVILEGE MUST GO.

Is there anyone out there who believes that our country would be falling apart at the seams right now if Hillary Clinton had won the election? I certainly don’t. Did we even come close to such dysfunction with President Barack Obama. Absolutely not.

I’m stunned several times a day at the total chaos and incompetence emanating from Donald Trump’s White House. I’m sure there’s more garbage since I last looked, but after realizing that he really is having a major rally in Tulsa today, I haven’t had the courage to look at the news. How many Covid cases will we reap from that fiasco. Makes me sick to think about it.