The little things.


A haircut at last.

Never would I have imagined that during a pandemic something as simple as needing a haircut would be the straw that would break the camel’s back. I could not keep my growing tresses out of my face. I tried clips, bobby pins, barrettes, spray, foam, and gel. Nothing worked. It was maddening. I couldn’t do anything without stopping to blow, brush or pin my stray locks. Finally, this week, I got a much needed haircut. It’s hard to explain why I’m so happy about this very short hair but I am. I just am!

I have adjusted fairly well to the big issues. I enjoy having my groceries delivered. I may continue to enjoy not doing this chore after the crisis ends. It’s worth the extra cost. And the people who do the job need the work and the tips. This morning my shopper was Miguel from the Basque region of Spain. He told me his sister and I have the same name. I enjoyed our conversation.

I miss visiting and talking with neighbors and friends. We see each other at a distance and wave or shout out a greeting. Still I miss the face-to-face conversations. I miss our lunches out. I miss book club. But we are surviving.

The biggest difficulty I have in isolation, though, is the inability to visit and hug family. We are coping by making good use of texts and phone calls but nothing can compensate for birthdays and celebrations with family. I need hugs. If you live alone, as I do, I bet you do too.

Hang on. This can’t last forever.

(COVID) Isolation is difficult.


I’m becoming more and more anxious with isolation. I keep telling myself that it probably is less difficult for me than for many others because I have lived alone now for 13+ years. The difference, though, is that I was alone because I chose to be. I wasn’t isolated. I could go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. I could talk face-to-face with neighbors and family and grocery store workers. Now all I do is stay home, order things, wait for delivery of said things, watch Netflix, and read.

It is in my nature to try and put a positive slant on life’s hardships and events over which I have no control. I have to admit, though, that it’s getting more and more difficult to do that. Isolation/loneliness is grinding on my psyche. So…I will wallow for a (hopefully) brief time and the get on with it.

I usually wallow on the couch with my cat Lulu. She loves my attention. Once she gets cuddled up and settled in, she starts the “purr machine.” I still can’t believe how loud she is. She sounds like a slightly muffled version of my 1960 Volkswagen bug. It’s music to my ears. Has a lovely calming effect.

I was more a dog than cat person before I got Lu. Now I can’t imagine living without her. She just now came in the room to see me, hopped up on the computer desk and gave me nose bump. I call it a kiss. When I ask for a kiss, she responds with a bump and wanders off for another nap. How can I not love this beautiful creature? In the photo below she is in her favorite window birdwatching. The birds take no notice of her at all. This is not the greatest shot but I like it because it looks like the bird is on her head.

In addition to keeping my sanity with my entertaining cat, I rely on telephone conversations and texting. My three daughters and I group text almost every day. That always lightens my way through the hours. I miss my family and friends horribly and electronic devices don’t make up for physical presence but they help.

I hope you, wherever you are, have good coping skills and that you’re staying well. If you become depressed, please call someone. Get help.

And remember, “Better Times Will Come.” That’s a song by Janis Ian. Look her up on Facebook or YouTube. People from all over the world are participating in her “Better Times Project.” There are some marvelously talented people singing and playing her song.
