Organization gone awry.

My coffee table.

A few posts ago I vowed that I was getting organized.  As you can see, I’m not there yet.  There are areas in my house that are reasonably neat all the time.  They require only dusting and vacuuming.  The areas where I spend my time browsing, crocheting, puzzling, reading and watching TV are another story altogether.  As you can tell by the photo I leave things on the coffee table instead of immediately putting them back where they belong.  I look at this picture and wonder why I had the stapler in the den.  I’m like a teenage girl who tries on every outfit in the closet and leaves it all on the floor and bed while she rushes off to school.  I know better.  Why don’t I do better.

My other coffee table.

OK.  This one is not as bad but still I have to ask myself why are the Christmas candles and coasters still out.  It’s almost Valentine’s Day for heaven’s sake!

I admit that I was spoiled for years.  I had someone to clean for me once a week.  Back then I would tidy up so she could do her cleaning.  She became a good friend and confidante, particularly during the separation/divorce fiasco.  I talked with her by phone a few  nights ago.  We hadn’t talked in a while.  I laughed as I told her I was glad she couldn’t see my house.  But I don’t really think it’s funny.  It’s mostly frustrating.

Time out!

Clean table. Coffee break. Yea!

The tables are clean!  Those photos were just too embarrassing.  Looked like a pig sty.  I even got out the valentines.  I can leave them out for the rest of the month.  I’m giving myself a birthday party late in February.  The hearts will look pretty.  And I hereby declare:  I love Me! If I don’t, no one else will.

My other clean coffee table.

I’m like a snail or a turtle when it comes to cleaning but eventually I get it done.  Disregard snail.  I prefer the turtle.

There’s no place like home–when it’s organized.

Hurray for me!

10 thoughts on “Organization gone awry.

  1. You go girl! I’ve agreed with myself that my house will never be neat or clean, so I’m impressed with your efforts!
    (I stayed up past my bedtime to read your posts. I got through August-October and I kept asking “where was I.. Where was I?” when you were going through all this. Then it dawned on me why… I never was good at cheering you up – I’d just get down with you. You cry/I cry – you laugh/I laugh – you jump off a bridge/I say bye bye. But that’s okay; it was wonderful to hear from you and we must get together soon. I saw you turn a corner in October; there were no “D”ivorce or “D” references on halloween. You’ve recovered! You seem just like yourself 20-odd years ago.



  2. At our age – Who cares?????? Neat freak me doesn’t make up the bed when I’m working. Figure I don’t have to look at it and will just climb back in. Don’t know what my excuse might be when I’m not working. A little clutter never hurt anyone and it takes time to put things up that you’re just going to get back out. This weekend will be interesting since I’m going to pull out tax stuff. I’ll have stuff everywhere. Now if I could just figure out a way to deal with Mr. B’s shedding hair w/o swiffering every other day, I’d be in good shape.


    • Thanks, Tish. I agree with you. I just think I still have too much stuff. I’m gradually getting it out to the garage so I can take it to my sister. She has a little thrift shop in Boone and I have a lot of things I don’t use and she can sell them. Now I have to find time and good enough weather to go to the mountains. Like I said, I’m a turtle but I’ll get there.


  3. Oh dear! You should see my dining table! At the moment it has 2 laptops on it, a stack of bills I need to sort out, 2 newspapers, keys…… the list goes on!

    Actually since moving I’ve become a great more houseproud! I think it was reaction to 2 months of sorting out my junk before moving – I gave up putting anything away at all!

    I love your “Love Me” moment – you are absolutely right and just what I needed to be reminded of!


    • It’s good to know I’m not the only one with clutter.

      I know what you mean about “the move.” I was the same way. I was so angry at D for moving out and leaving me with all the “stuff” to deal with. I got rid of lots of things because I didn’t want to move them. And I down-sized so I didn’t have room for them. Now I’m trying to do another purge. I need to mercilessly toss and that’s hard for me. But I’m getting better at it.


      • I’ve actually been in the same mood for the last year, and have managed to get rid of a lot of “stuff.” What’s fun is to come across something that you know someone else would treasure and give it to them. It just takes time and make it at your own pace.


  4. kinda cracks me up that you think your tables are messy. hahahahahahahaaa

    hate to imagine what you think my house looks like most of the time.

    your little spots are a little untidy. not dirty. my house gets downright DIRTY. usually by wednesday of each week!!!


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