One step at a time.

Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most. ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Yesterday I drove to Daughter # 1’s house to pick up my granddaughter.  We had a dinner date.  I got there a little early so I got out of the car and walked around the yard snapping photos while I waited for her to get home.  My daughter and her family have a most marvelous yard–a Garden of Eden, if you will.  Except there’s no apple tree as far as I know.  Of course that apple notion we’ve been fed all these years is probably wrong.  I read somewhere that it would more likely have been a pomegranate in that part of the world.  I tell you all this in order to say that the photos in this post were all taken in the aforementioned beautiful yard.  There are all manner of little treasures peeking through the leaves.

As I drove to get my granddaughter A, I passed a man walking up the sidewalk.  He walked at a snail’s pace because he required a walker with wheels.  Needless to say the going was slow.  I remember thinking how much I admired his grit–the busy street must have been a bit daunting.  As I was retracing my route and heading toward our favorite restaurant, I saw the same man still walking.  I said to A, “Holy cow!  Look at that guy!  He’s walked a couple of miles or more since I last saw him.”  Then we talked about what might have incapacitated him– a stroke, a heart attack ???–and how brave he was to keep going, determined to get strong again.

I have thought about that gentleman a great deal in the past twenty-four hours.  He reminds me of the many wounded people (including me) who are trying, one step at a time, to heal.  Some wounds are physical, some are emotional.  All are serious to the one who is suffering.  Some heal quickly, some not so much; all of us heal a step at a time, a day at a time.

Sometimes my little cell phone camera seems to have a mind of its own.  I inadvertently took this picture of my foot stepping firmly toward the next colorful exhibit that caught my eye.  I started to delete it and thought better of it.  I shall keep it to remind me to keep on stepping.  It also reminds me of how far I’ve come since D-Day.  (I read a  number of blogs by people, male and female, who are recovering from separation, divorce, infidelity, etc., and many of them refer to it as D-Day.  It’s appropriate, I guess.)  We’re all recovering at different rates, but the good news is that we’re all recovering.  Each day gets a little better.

19 thoughts on “One step at a time.

  1. What a marvellous bunch of pics you produced with your cell phone, Pat. Thanks for sharing!
    Myself I am reluctant to use a phone like this. We call it mobile phone in Australia. The buttons are far too small for me. Can’t see anything properly, even with glasses I’d find it hard to manage such a phone. I can sort of manage my digital camera all right. I’m always surprised how easy it is to take pics these days. Even I can do it. (Most of the time.)
    Sorry, I’m late coming to this blog. I enjoyed the pics, including this accidental photo of your toes. It’s lovely!


    • Thanks, Uta.

      I, too, have some vision problems. I point my phone sometimes without seeing exactly what I’m shooting. Wonder of wonders I manage to get some good shots despite my diminished vision. I will eventually have surgery on at least one eye in the hope of seeing more clearly. We are waiting until it gets “bad enough.” I have a congenital condition called Fuchs corneal dystrophy. I understand it’s pretty common.

      : ) I’ll try to paint my toenails before I share another shot of them.


  2. For the longest time, I’d see folks with their walkers and feel a sense of sadness at what they’d lost. It was only a few years ago that I realized I was looking at it all wrong and thought that I’d like to have my own walker someday–to keep pushing along even when it’s hard, because it’s also a gift to be able to move at one’s own will, no matter how slowly.


    • Hi Deb. Our perception gradually changes, doesn’t it. Nowadays when I see someone using a walker I say a little prayer that I will have the determination to use one if I need to and that I will still care as much about my life as that person does. Of all the places one can find inspiration, who would have thought a walker would be one of them? 🙂


  3. Thanks, Jacqueline. I remember those days, too, but they are getting fewer and farther between. And thanks for the grandmother compliment. I feel as if I’m the lucky one. 🙂


  4. I remember that for a long time I didn’t feel like I was healing. I was just having days….. then very slowly things changed. Here’s to everyone keeping going one step at a time. Lovely post and the flowers are a delight. Your granddaughter is lucky to have such a fab grandmother 😉


  5. Great – the longest journey begins with the first step, and with so many lovely spring flowers about (metaphorical as well as real) you will eventually find yourself so focused on your blessings that your hurts will be nothing but faded scars.


  6. I love your thoughts about that man with the walker. Sounds like he’s a man of “true grit.” I needed a reminder of that today. Thank you, Pat.

    What a gorgeous walkway! and you have cute toes!



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