Bring it on, 2012!

New Year’s Day…now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions.  Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.  ~ Mark Twain

This is why I don’t make resolutions.  I spend the entire year paving the road to hell.  Why would I want to pour it on thicker one day a year.  Paving is hot work.

I’m reading a book called Skipped Parts.  (Can’t remember the author.)  It’s about a thirteen-year-old boy’s coming of age.  Boy, does he ever–come of age, that is.  There’s this cowboy type named Soapley who says, “Dogs only know how they feel right now.  They don’t know nothing about before or after.”   People are always commenting about the great life dogs have.  Well, that’s why!  They’re not worried about the one that got away.  They’re not stewing about whether there will be a new dog-love in their life tomorrow.  Now remember, I don’t make resolutions, but I do think learning to live like a dog is an admirable goal.  All day.  Every day.  Just call me Fido.  Or Odie.

I’m ringing in the new year tomorrow morning by singing in the Spanish choir at church.  How did this happen?  I haven’t figured that out.  I’m just hoping that the good singer standing beside me will drown me out.  I understand few people come to church when Sunday falls on January 1st.  So… we’re doing a bilingual service and our singing will be the sermon.  (I can’t stop snickering.)  The sermon?  Really!

Go easy on the spirits and have a happy, happy New Year!

21 thoughts on “Bring it on, 2012!

  1. Sounds like you had a very good start of the year. Wonderful! I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, dear Pat. I didn’t make it to church on Jan.1st. But I made up for it yesterday, on the 8th Jan. All the Christmas decorations were still up. The Epishany of the Lord was celebrated. With Christmas songs! It moved me a lot. Now we have to wait another year for Christmas songs.


  2. Hi Em. Thanks for asking–it went well. We had lots of fun.

    I’ve been quiet for a few days. Hoping to get back to writing soon. I have been keeping up with other bloggers, though. I’ve even been lazy about that. I read, click “like” so you’ll know I read. I think I’m being lazy. Feels pretty good.

    Take care.


  3. So, how did your performance go? Nice way to start the year though, you’re right…
    I went skiing with my son and some friends which wasn’t too bad either!
    Good to catch up on your blog a bit!


  4. I love the idea of being like a dog and plan to add that to MY list this year! To start out every day with a joyful romp outdoors and think only of the ball that is in my mouth, not the one I left behind. Happy New Year!


    • Hi Catherine. I need to add the joyful romp to my regimen. Glad you said that. Hope you have a great new year. I look forward to reading more of your blog in the next few days. Take care.


  5. If memory serves me well, I kinda think your debut was “Oh Holy Night” some years ago. I can’t think of a better way to start the New Year than by singing and then dancing in church among old friends and new friends.

    Happy New Year! I hope your 2012 is filled with even more singing and dancing.


    • Hi C. Company all gone? You’re right, it was, wasn’t it? i was actually thinking about choral performances with Mr. Wilson. Remember him? He was a piece of work with his John Boehner tan in January. Don’t like to think how long ago that was.


  6. Love your sentiments in this. Also, I can just imagine myself in that choir singing in Spanish with my most quiet voice. Prospero Año Nuevo y Felicidad.


  7. Over simplification alert: the problem with church- goers is that they tend to go whenever it is convenient. Then again, January 1 sounds like the perfect day for you to make your public singing debut – if, indeed, it is your debut. Enjoy yourself!


    • Ah. So. We church-goers have all the same imperfections the rest of the population has.

      It’ll be fun, I’m sure. Not my debut, though. I debuted many years ago. That’s the scary part–I haven’t done this in many years. Looking forward to it, though. We’re ending the service with a circle dance–lots of fun!


    • I don’t know how I got along without the Latinos I now have in my life. My next new thing is to coach a lovely middle-aged woman, Adriana, toward her citizenship exam. I’m looking forward to that.

      Thanks for your comment.


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