
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.                   ~ Andrew A. Rooney

This slightly fuzzy photo is Gus.  He didn’t really want to pose for me and that’s my excuse for the less-than-focused image.  I had the privilege of caring for Gus over the weekend.  He’s my neighbor’s dog and his usual “sitter” wasn’t available.

I could tell that K was a little hesitant to ask me to keep him, but I’m betting my enthusiastic response quelled any concerns she may have had.  “Of course, I would love to have Gus for the weekend!”  Here’s the deal–I’ve thought about having a pet again because I sometimes get lonely.  This was just the opportunity I needed to make up my mind.  Do I want a dog?  Or not?

For two nights Gus slept on the floor beside my bed.  He was a very good boy.  No noises during the night.  He doesn’t need to go out during the night.  He gets two meals a day, morning and night.  He will play fetch as long as his human will, but when the human gets tired and says, “OK, Gus, sit.”  Gus sits.  And grins.  And drools a little.  Of course he doesn’t sit for long because he wants to get as close to his human as possible.  He even tried to get in my lap once or twice.  Not a good fit, though.  Still, the effort on his part is endearing.

You’re probably thinking by now that I’m getting a dog.  I’m not.  Having him next door is just enough of a doggie fix for me.  He helped me to realize that I truly don’t want the responsibility and the inconvenience.  I can visit Gus when I want.  I can visit my granddogs Wilson and Charley.  And I can get up and go whenever I choose and don’t have to worry about vets and kennels, etc.  I can also change my mind at a later date.  For now, I choose to remain pet-less.

25 thoughts on “Dogsitting.

  1. Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear about your daughter’s dog. I think the owner of the other dog should have chipped in, or paid in full. I would have to leave a dog behind quite a lot so I’ve decided to enjoy other people’s dogs. Works for me.


  2. Our daughter’s dog got bitten the other day by another dog, The stitches for the resulting injury cost her 500 Australian Dollars. She had to take up a loan to pay the vet.
    To have neighbours to look after your dog when you have to go out without the dog is a wonderful thing. Ideally you should be able to take your dog everywhere. How often would you have to leave the dog behind? In our case it would be very often. Even my husband, who’s very fond of dogs, admits we can’t possibly afford to have a dog.


  3. This made me smile, and I did think you would be getting a dog. But you’re right, borrowing pets is best. Golly, we have a guinea pig and that’s enough extra work already. 🙂


  4. Wanna borrow a bird??? Really no trouble…neat, quiet, friendly. (Are you laughing yet?)
    I do need to find me a dog to borrow. I keep visiting the ones at various rescue events but so far have managed to hold out.


  5. Gus looks like a handsome dog. I was without one for about 9 or 10 years and then I found Lotte. The vet bills and finding sitters pale to insignificance beside the joys she brings. But there are times when I wonder did I do the right thing. 🙂


  6. I had a dog for about 14 years while the girls where teenagers and it was lovely. However i agree with you about the freedom of movement and no vets you get from not having one, especially as you have “grandogs” already. Good decision


  7. It sounds as though you have a perfect arrangement there Pat. I’m a dog borrower. I would love to have a dog but I know that it doesn’t really fit into my life so friends are happy to oblige. Actually I confess I also borrow children – but let me clarify, just in case you think I’ve lost the plot. I always wanted more children and as I don’t have grandchildren I’m the sort of friend who offers to take my pals little ones to the park while they get a break. It’s a great arrangement – I enjoy time with the little ones and the parents get a break. Everyone’s happy. Gus sounds like a dream.


  8. My point of view entirely – dogs and cats or whatever pet you fancy (even houseplants!!!) – they are all lovely, but it’s like having a small child and a big responsibility. Being a grandparent is so much more fun than being a parent – and having a dog next door comes into the same category! All the fun and none of the responsibility.


  9. Sounds like friends with benefits! Hum!!! Dogs with benefits!!!! The good thing about sitting every now and again is you get your fix in with little expense. Know that Mr. B is always available for care when you need that fix 🙂


    • (Giggle.) Not the same kinds of benefits, but benefits all the same. I did enjoy my weekend and I will keep Bourbon in mind when I need a fix. Or you call me when you need help. Really.


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