“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” ~ Mister Rogers

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and my neighbors are displaying their support with these pretty pink bows on their mailboxes.  They give the neighborhood quite a festive look, belying the seriousness of their intent.  About one in eight American women will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime.  The USA and the UK have the highest incidence of cases with Australia and New Zealand close behind.   Men also get breast cancer but in very small numbers compared to women, thus its status as a woman’s disease.  I didn’t mean to start this post with such a downer but I do think it’s important and deserves our attention.

I noticed as I walked today that it’s a perfect and perfectly beautiful fall day.  There are still flowers blooming in some neighbors’ yards.  This wonderful pink blossom matches the bows well, don’t you think?  This is a vine that twines around a mailbox and is still rife with blooms.  I think it’s a clematis but there are many varieties and I couldn’t find one enough like this one to make an identification.  And now I’m thinking that I don’t really care what it is as long as it continues to flourish on my neighbor’s mailbox for me and other passers-by to enjoy.  I will miss it when the first freeze nips it.

I’m starting to see a little change of color in the leaves now.  For the most part it’s a few leaves here and there and nothing to write home about, but I did spot one tree that has a fairly significant amount of color.  It’s a few doors down from my house so I can keep my eye on it as it achieves its full depth of crimson.  And that’s assuming that neither rain nor wind will wipe it out before it reaches opus status.  We never know what Mother Nature has in mind.

I’m happy to say that my walking has increased as the local temperatures have decreased.  I don’t like to whine about my health and I try not to, so I will simply say that I haven’t been feeling well for several weeks.  My walking is working wonders and I’m starting to feel better.  When I don’t feel well physically I don’t feel well emotionally.  It’s one of those “chicken or egg” puzzles.  I believe strongly that the two are connected/interdependent.  But just in case, I have an appointment with a medical doctor next week.  I’m hoping she can help me to rule out some things and maybe get to the bottom of some others.  Perhaps there will be no need to speak of it again.  That’s the outcome I expect.

I love walking the neighborhood and seeing the seasonal decorations my neighbors have displayed.  It puts me in the mood to get out my Halloween “stuff” and get in the spirit.  (Not a bad pun, huh?)  I have already put my spooky, or not so spooky, garden banners out.  I always enjoy this one.  It reminds me not to take myself too seriously.

12 thoughts on ““It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” ~ Mister Rogers

  1. God I guess I havent been around much lately. I didnt realize you werent feeling to well, but am haqppy to know youre already getting better.

    I wish you lots of health and happiness, filled with beautiful relaxing walks.


  2. I’m crossing my fingers the outcome is as expected.

    When I don’t feel well physically I don’t feel well emotionally. It’s one of those “chicken or egg” puzzles. I believe strongly that the two are connected/interdependent.
    Fully agreed. My plantar fasciitis is making running difficult, but when I don’t get in 30 minutes of brisk walking (at the least), how I feel emotionally is much worse than how my heel feels physically.


  3. It’s good to post about your life, isn’t it, even if you’re not so well…hope you are better soon. The photos are lovely, I enjoyed your blog.


  4. I love the decorations your neighbours have put up and that you are enjoying your walks. I too am sorry to hear that your health has not been up to scratch recently and hope you feel better soon


  5. Dear Pat, so sorry to hear you have been a bit under the weather lately. Hope you get better soon, and do keep us posted… Your photos are lovely and so is the Camus quote in your previous post. Autumn is glorious isn’t it? Temperatures are still very much summer-like here, and it’s even more lovely.
    Hope today is a good one?
    Take care xx


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